Supplement Needs Electrolyte+ - Hydration & Electrolyte Powder (180/210g, 30 Servings)
Supplement Needs Electrolyte+ powder has been formulated as part of Supplement Needs performance range designed to assist the body's main electrolytes! Formulated by Dr Dean St Mart PhD designed to ensure our body's daily hydration needs are always met. Whether we're losing hydration through sweating during a hard gym sesh or just not as disciplined at drinking enough fluids throughout the day.
Keeping hydrated is more important than we may all consider, not only for overall health and performance but electrolytes actually help with how muscles contract, whilst also contributing to our daily energy levels.
As well as the 3 main electrolytes, there's also the added benefits from 500mg Magnesium Taurate through to 1g Creatine Monohydrate! Replace valuable minerals lost through sweat, aid muscle growth, strength and recovery all in one handy 7g serving!