Strom Sports HydraMax Professional Grade Osmolyte/Hydration Formula - 90 Servings (1.08kg)
Introducing Strom Sports HydraMax the ultimate hydration formula! The guys over at Strom know how important our daily water intake truly is, in order to perform optimally get stronger, recover faster and train harder we need to support our bodies ability to function at it's best so we can perform at our best - just getting your hydration right is the key, enter HydraMax!
HydraMax was designed as a daily supplement whether training or not, not only does this of course contain things like Coconut Water Powder for optimal hydration and key electrolytes but also Taurine known for it's cellular hydration and electrolyte balancing powers, as well as Cranberry Extract known to remove toxins from blood, aids metabolism, manage glucose levels and insulin resistance. Further to this Dandelion has been added for it's diuretic properties clearing extra fluids our bodies can't utilise. Lastly Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) known for it's skin health and hydration boosting properties!
A daily-dose hydration supplement with even more benefits, use post-workout but also on non-training days. Efficacy will improve through consistent use, hence the 90 serves right! With a bunch of awesome flavours to choose from here folks, grab your daily dose and reap the rewards!
Why Strom HydraMax?
- Added benefits
- Aids Performance
- Keep fatigue at bay
- So much more than hydration