Low Carb
We know how hard it can be to stick to a diet, especially when those cravings come knocking. Here at the mix we are here to make dieting life just that little bit easier. So before you go reaching for something you know you shouldn't why not try some of our low carb alternatives which are sure to keep those cravings at bay.
We have quite the selection of low carbohydrate goodies here at the mix, from protein bars, nut butters, protein powders, syrups and many more, we are sure you can find something here at the mix.
There's no need to give up chocolate on a low carbohydrate diet, give one of our favourite protein bars a go, from the likes of Grenade, Fulfil, Barebells and even handmade!! I'm sure you can find something that will kick those cravings.
Whatever your low carbohydrate needs, I'm sure you can find something here at the mix!