Say Yes to YUMMY! Yummy gets a tasty new-look in the Mix!
Posted on 20th Jun 2019

Yummy through and through, the Candies BCAAs and, in particular, the ISO Proteins from Yummy Sports have been a bit of a runaway hit since we introduced them to the Mix nearly a year ago; they've quickly gone from quirky but cute outsiders to one of our bestsellers, whey isolate or otherwise!
The coolest thing? This success has been echoed elsewhere - Canada, UK and beyond - and with the growing love and respect for what these crazy Canadians dudes have created comes a new maturity... Yummy Sports are getting all grow'd up! Well...kinda :D
As of right now, and gradually swapping over in the Mix from this week, all fantastic flavours of ISO Protein have been given an *even yummier* new look (and, not wishing to tread on so many toes trademark-wise, tempting new flavour names, too!)
Every bit as colourful, wacky and wonderful, all your faves have enjoyed a tantalising transformation... 'Reezez'? Now 'Peanut Butter Cups'. 'Pop Tartz'? 'Birthday Pasties' (haha...this super-sweet one always DID tasty like a Birthday Cake shake, anyway!), 'Nutellaz'? 'Hazelnut Crunch'. 'Bountiez'? 'Choco Coco'!! 'White Chocolate'? Say hello to 'White Choco'!! Ermm... Well, not every name is name is exactly revolutionary!
Aaaannddd, that's not all!! We have TWO new flavours, too!! Yummy Hoops (formerly the fruity 'Mysterious Flavour' we had in mini packs!) and Peppermint Bark (again, we first enjoyed this minty marvel as 'Choco Candy Cane' in the mini bags!)
Awesome flavours, cuter artwork (inc. obligatory - often out-of-place - gingerbread house!!), sturdier bags, better labelling (including a handy sweetness gauge on the back!!), and still naturally sweetened, gluten free and as packed with pure, premium isolate protein as ever, Yummy Sports' ISO Protein is _fully reloaded_ in the Mix right now!
Next-up, new look (& new flavour!) Candies BCAAs, Beach Ready & Angry Unicorn Sounds 'yummy', right?!
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