SURREAL-ously tasty Cereal in the Mix!
Posted on 8th Feb 2022

Another cereal-ously awesome, unbelievable (some might even say 'surreal'!) bowl-filling soon-to-be favourite... SURREAL Breakfast Cereal!
We all love "snap, cracklin' and poppin" our way through breakfast and we all know the importance of "keeping our hunger locked up 'til lunch" and love all things that are "ggggrreeeeat" (OK, that's probably enough!!) however... it's not often we can have all this fun alongside something without sugar, lower carb and (our favourite) HIGHER protein!! ...aaaaand, whilst we're at it, vegan and gluten-free too!!
Well, scour those supermarket shelves no longer, folks!! SURREAL Cereal ticks all the above boxes and, even better, is delivers on the delicious, too, with not one but *four* so-good-they're-surreal flavours!!
Get your biggest bowl at the ready fooooorr... OG 'Frosted' cereal vibes, cinnamon spiced, peanut butter covered and chocolate dusted... super sweet and satisfying, if one of these doesn't give you a serious #TBT those childhood days then we don't know what will!!
With 13g protein per serving at only 116kcals (!!) with all the flavour and none of the cardboard taste... SURREAL is just as irresistible for snacking as it is for starting the day and don't just take our word for it though, guys... as the boxes state, this stuff is "proven to be a quadrozillion times tastier than muesli" Science, innit!
Don't you think it's time to bag a box and try it for yourself? It's the SUR(REAL) deal!
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