So here it is... Merry Christmas!!
Posted on 24th Dec 2022

Wow... well, what can we say? It's been yet another weird and woeful wonderful year around the world but... we made it!!! Christmas 2022 is upon us!!
Whatever the rollercoaster ride we've found ourselves on for yet another year in this dramatic decade, now's the time to take a beat, raise a glass, give a gift, snaffle a snack, share a laugh and, ya know, just generally have... *a wonderful Christmastime!*
Thankyou all, friends and 'Mixers' both past and present, for keeping us, as ever, buzzing and busy over here... we don't deserve you!
From our small family to yours, it just remains to say... Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas!!! Make it count, folks, and we look forward to seeing you on the other side!!
Ant & Team PPAM x