'Scoff the lot, Per4m newbies have arrived!
Posted on 23rd Mar 2022

Wellll, folks... what a PER4Mance it's been (you have no idea!!) but Per4m's much-anticipated Caramel Biscuit has finaaaaally arrived in the Mix!
A flavour we've ALL been waiting for, this delicious-sounding just-can't-Bi-SCOFF-enough Caramel Biscuit whey blend promises to deliver the very essence of your favourite golden brown biscuit butter sweetspread right in your shaker cup!
Packed with 21g muscle-building, recovery-fuelling protein and BCAA's and BURSTING with biccy goodness, Per4m's delivered their same trademark smooth, sweet oat-friendly shake-sorcery we know and love... just when we thought Per4m couldn't get *more* phenomenally popular? Well... it probably just DID!
With the recent arrival, Chocolate Orange (aka Jaffa!!!), we were pretty blown away (and judging by the reviews in so far? You guys were too!) but, taking it to another level and if Terry and his famous Choc Oranges don't hit the spot, then we've no doubt this one WILL!
Caramel Biscuit and Chocolate Orange... which will YOU choose?!
Available in the Mix *whilst stocks last* (there was not enough of this first run made to even NEARLY go round!)... this isn't just the warm-up folks this is the MAIN event, so jump right in!
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