Reach 'MAXImum Snackisfaction' with MaxiMuscles NEW High Protein Low Sugar Bars!
Posted on 9th May 2021

What better way to celebrate the day than with an over-the-top chocolate-chip studded snack?! Introducing MaxiMuscle's latest snacking creations!!
‘Raising the bar’ on our forever-quest for mad-moreish protein snacks these bars just levelled-up and, having tried them, yep, we thought it was time for the Mix to get in on the action! Whilst these may not be ‘Maxi’ in size they certainly provide ‘MAXI-mum’ flavour and tasty texture, offering epic levels of delicious protein-packed triple-layered goodness and in a shiny series of seeeeriously sexy flavours!
New York Cheesecake or Caramel Millionaires sound like a bit of you?!
OF COURSE they do!
Each bar packs 15g of protein and ALL land under 190kcals! Pretty uniquely, they're even veggie-friendly too AND made with all-natural flavours and sweeteners!! How DO they do it?!
With 5 flavours in all up for grabs, from classic Cookies & Cream, the signature staple of any series of bars (it's a that sorts the ‘WE WANT ITS’ from the we’ll swerve it’!!) to Salted Caramel (obv!!), complete with true CRUNCH, coated in shards of delicious chunky Crunchy Candy Bar like Caramel pieces!
...want more? Caramel Millionaires strikes GOLD with Carnac-like blonde chocolate wrapped in choccy chips with a biscuit-like flavour and drizzly caramel, whilst New York Cheesecake brings you cake, white chocolate and real vanilla flavour (it’s a 'have your cake and eat it' type situation!!) and last but CERTAINLY not least! The latest in the line-up - Cinnamon Swirl - is sweet ’n spiced and ALLLL things VERY VERY nice!!
Pick up a Mix of these cheeky ‘lil bars in our new‘MAXImum Snackisfaction’ MaxiMuscle Bar Bundle or, as always, grab just a couple of singles and save yourself from yourself (there's serious danger of some sweet-treat snack-ccidents with these!!!)
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