Enjoy a little slice of paradise that won't set you back a 'Million'! Oatein introduce Millionaire Crunch bars
Posted on 15th Sep 2019

It's official, folks (it should that be 'OAT-ficial' in this case? That work?!)...abundantly textured, crunchy bars and snacks are definitely 'in'!! In the last 2 weeks alone we've had a new USN Trust Crunch bar flavour, the new Applied Protein Crunch bars and, just last week, two new Applied Indulgence Squares...now? No less than FOUR epic flavours - 2 veggie, 2 vegan - of the brand new Oatein Millionaire Crunch bars!
That's a whole lotta CRuNcHhhh!!!
It has to be said, in terms of the cute and colourful (just the way we like it!) Oatein Millionaire bars here? We *did* pause and ask ourselves whether we needed to stock yet another biscuitty bonanza, especially when, on paper, these are very, very close to our beloved Applied Indulgence squares, which have been popular 'picks' in the Mix for quite some time.
Well, as per, we HAD to get some to try (we really do try *everything* here...it helps us advise - read: entice - you all and, yeah, it's easily the biggest perk of the job!!) and... let's just say we didn't pause long! :D
So, why are Oatein (great to have you back with a bang, guys!!) Millionaire Bars uniquely worthy of your money and your macros?
Sure enough, those of you familiar with Applied's squares will feel right at home here...delicious as ever, we're talking a triple-layer, choc-topped, biscuit-based caramel slice affair.
But did you find the Indulgence bars intimidatingly chunky? A little hard? Dry? We really dig 'em but reviews tell us a few of you...not so much. :(
Nil desperandum! With a 50/50 choc-caramel/crunchy base ratio and, in keeping with their heritage, gluten-free oats embedded in the base cleverly giving a more balanced bite, Oatein's slimmer slices may just save the format for you!!
A Banoffee flavour is a welcome novelty, too (the sweetest of the 4 and arguably our fave!!) and, rivalling Applied's latest pair, you'd never know the plant-based Salted Caramel (get this if you're just going to try just one!) or Choc Orange were vegan (plus...Oatein pulled off less than 1g sugar on them!)
In the Mix now, give Oatein Millionaire Crunch Bars a try next time you stop by...we have a hunch you, like us, can never get enough CRUNCH!
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