M&Mmnnn... pass my shaker! Mars drop M&M's Hi-Protein Powder!
Posted on 2nd Jul 2021

You thought you'd seen it all from Mars, huh?!
The latest and greatest from Mars has hit the Mix... we're proudly and excitedly introducing M&M's Chocolate Hi-Protein Powder!! Yeeeee, you know those chocolate-covered candies that definitely have the "once you pop you just can't" stop vibe? Those!!
The Peanut & the Chocolate M&M's Hi-Protein bars have been in the Mix for a year or so now and, impressively, they've remained bestsellers since the start - faves for both for me and the team but also, clearly, for YOU guys - so we KNOW you guys are going to love this stuff!
We've always had a particular soft spot for these tasty little candies... peanut ones, crispy ones, chocolate ones, coffee ones... yup we're here for all of them! Having a post-workout shake that tastes like the REAL choccy heaven deal in guilt-free low carb, low sugar format containing 21g protein per scoop?!
Now we're talkin!
What's the vibe here? Well, if you've been to M&M's World in London (definitely a recommended pilgrimage!) then you know, as you enter, that distinctive chocolate smell that hits you like a tonne of... M&M's (much more pleasant than bricks)? Well, think THAT...impressively authentic in flavour and scent (even if it's, sadly, not 'choc'-full of *actual* M&M's!!)
Good job protein by Mars! Ermmm...could we trouble you for the Peanut one too?!
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