Hey, 'Misfits'! Fresh-Baked Choc Brownie flavour dessert-delight hits the Mix!
Posted on 20th Jul 2020

We ALL love an ooey-gooey, freshly baked, fudge-y dessert delight, right? A tasty traditional traybake offering decadence and indulgence aplenty?! Only thing...it turns out the staple 'Chocolate Brownie' doesn't fit everyone's 'daily'!!
Cue MISFITS with their latest and cocoa-creation. Another triple-layered, oohhhh-so-lush plant-based bar, this time in timeless CHOCOLATE BROWNIE flavour!
Setting itself apart from their OG Chocolate Caramel bar with its *even MORE* rich chocolate truffle-like flavour, the all-natural baked brownie core offers all the texture of a real brownie, complete with chocolate nibs a-plenty and...CARAMEL!! And just when we thought the silky chocolate-covered Misfits bars couldn't get any more awesome?!
Offering deeply delicious brownie-like experience whilst being vegan (of course), gluten free and containing 15g of protein and LESS than 1g sugar... it's another back of the net for Misfits health!
With this newbie making 6 great flavours in the bank (and another due soon!!) this is yet another classic flavour sensation deftly delivered in an already extremely strong line-up!
You don't want to MISs this one, folks! If you're a brownie lover? Just mad for (milkless) guilt-free chocolate?! Grab yourself a 'baker's dozen'...or pick & mix flavours in our 'UnMIS-sable Misfits Bar Bundle' today!!! As always, the choice is entirely...yours!!
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