Softer and fluffier... the Mars' Hi-Protein Milky Way Bar is back for round 2!
Posted on 11th May 2022

No (Milky) WAY!?!
Riding high on the storming success of the recent Hi Protein M&M's bars and the revamped Bounty bar, Mars have only gone and relaunched the protein-packed version of one of your fluffiest favourites... yep, Milky Way Hi-Protein Bars are available now!!
Mars first had a go at this classic chocolate bar 'WAY' back in 2017 (wow... how's that 5 years ago?!) and it's probably fair to say it wasn't one of their _most_ faithful high protein versions. Sure... flavour-wise it got us close (real Mars milk chocolate coating and all!) but on the texture front it was, sadly, lacking; 'protein-infused' has, traditionally, always translated to a chewier, fudge-like centre and, whilst we know this works GREAT with a Mars or a Snickers, with the famously light and lovely Milky Way bar? Not so much.
...BUT don't panic, folks!! Mars haven't been dragging their heels on the recipe development over the last few years (as we've all seen and tasted!!) and it turns out protein bar technology has come along a looooong 'way'!!
The Milky Way Hi-Protein Bar circa 2022 brings that same creamy, smooth Mars milk chocolate to the party but, this time, it's paired with a lighter, softer, sweeter (yes... well on the way to 'fluffy'!!) vanilla fondant core 'way' more worthy of this beloved bar's name and reputation!!
Rocking the same 2-bite format as the recent M&M's Hi-Protein Crispy Bar and the Bounty Hi-Protein Bar, the new Milky Way bar is a moderately more modest 'fun size' affair but it packs in a whole galaxy of indulgent flavour... and, of course, shaves off a little sugar whilst packing in a strong 15g protein!!
Available now, online and in-store, pick 'n mix Mars's latest fortified candy creation now, alongside the rest of ever-growing range of Mars protein snacks and shakes!!
And, on that, keep an eye out for another (not so) naughty new arrival soon!! ;-)
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