It's gonna be a 'Killa' Christmas! Grenade's sweet, spiced Gingerbread bar is back for another year!
Posted on 1st Oct 2019

Whilst mince pies, Miniature Heroes and advent calendars are, unbelievably, already gracing supermarket shelves, it *does* feel kinda weird, barely into October, hitting you with this one...buuuttt, then again, neither we (nor Grenade) could WAIT to share this sweet, spiced sensation with you for another year!!
That's right, folks...for Christmas 2019 you've got another chance (whilst limited edition stocks last!!) to catch Grenade's Gingerbread (man) Carb Killa protein bar!
Truth be told, we never actually got a chance to share this festive-fave Carb Killa with you first time around; much to our chagrin, aside from Grenade themselves, Marks & Spencer, exclusively, got to have all the fun!! The guys at Grenade WERE good enough to hook us up with a few boxes for a giveaway (thanks, team!!!), but stock for our pink-stripe shelves? Sadly, ho,! :-(
Extra galling not only because we looooove gingerbread (I mean...who doesn't?!) but because...this Carb Killa is a bit of a Midwinter masterpiece! A Christmas cracker! A Yuletide YAASSSS! Haha...OK, you get the idea, but this IS one pretty spectacular seasonal showstopper! One that, now? At last? We're keen to make up for lost time with!!
Proudly packing the best of the bits of the Carb Killa protein bar pedigree, with less than 2g sugar and over 22g protein, Gingerbread wraps a sweet, classically-spiced gingerbread centre - topped with inimitable Carb Killa low sugar caramel interspersed with protein crunchies for a touch of ginger 'snap' - in creamy milk chocolate, drizzled with...wait for it...white chocolate!!
All in, one great-tasting gift (of GAINZ!) we can't WAIT to unwrap...especially as, has to be said, it's rocking some of the CUTEST packaging, Crimbo-themed or otherwise, we've ever seen on a bar!!
Bringing some early 'Merry' to the Mix, available whilst single-hit stocks last (Grenade have done only one run of these!!), make this Christmas less Krampus and more *Killa* with Grenade's triple-layer Gingerbread bar!
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