Let's get 'FUDGED-UP'! - NEW Carb Killa is here!
Posted on 13th Jul 2021

Come on, folks... let's all get 'FUDGED UP'!! Grenade's latest (and fudgiest!) fudge/brownie hybrid Killa has just hit the Mix!
Yes, Grenade do already have Fudge Brownie and, as you know, it ticks ALL the chocaholic-boxes, but Grenade aren't just about mere box-ticking!! Always striving to blow sh*t up the team knew they could do more - push the choccy fest still further! - and now we warmly welcome the Fudged Up bar we didn't even know we NEEDED!
Chocolate on chocolate with chocolate chunks, teamed with thiiiiic fudge-like caramel...and this is the REAL point of difference here, folks. Just a caramel filling? A light conservative layer? Noooope!!
Taking clear inspiration from that pinnacle of milk choc fudginess - Cadbury's classic, childhood fave Fudge bar - this twist on the killer Killa format lands like an indulgent bombshell; when Cadbury's and guilt-free, protein-packed Carb Killa collide?! #thedream
Post- Choc Chip Salted Caramel Carb Killa we weren't sure it could be beat buuuut, fudge me, Grenade gave it both barrels with this one!!
Whilst it's not exactly a 'summer-sizzler' in terms of flavour choice (throwback to last year's Strawberry Ice Cream Killa!) it's certainly comin' in hot! Y'all love to see it and we LOVE to be a part of it...Grenade have done it AGAIN, there's no wonder the humble Carb Killa will forever be a bestselling bar here in the Mix!!
Pick-up a 'Fudged Up!' Carb Killa today in our Carb Killa 'Fully Loaded' 12 bar bundle or, as always, pick-up a selection of singles and satisfy your fudge-y flavour cravings today!
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