Happy New Year, folks! 2023? Let's be having you!
Posted on 1st Jan 2023

It's always an interestingly reflective experience tapping out one of these now traditional yearly Pick & Mix New Years round-ups set, as ever, against the traditional background of survivor's relief and post caffeine-overdosed exhaustion.
This year? Weeeeell... it's not been quite the joyous and peaceful bountiful 'eldorado' we might have hoped... but you hardly need me and the Mix to recount the various gut-punches of another rocky year!! Indeed, we've always liked to think we offer something of a sweet (literally...the sweeter the better!) sanctuary over here amidst our overladen technicolour shelves and, with that in mind, what's been going on over here both before and behind the stripes, I hear you ask?!
I'm pleased to report... much of the same! No rest for the wicked!! Annual photo collage below! :)
We're fully settled into our new warehouse now and we're proud to have been able to keep up a steady flow of new and exciting goodies (over 400 new listings since the start of the year!!), many of which we've endeavoured to introduce in appropriately energetic, effervescent fashion across our site and usual channels and, for the first time this year, on TikTok and Instagram Reels (apologies for these!! Silly, I know, but at least speedy!! Look for the return of our 'Reel-y Quick Rundowns' early in 2023!!)
One thing you may have noticed? We're stocking many more supplement brands this year - from American heavy-hitters like InnovaPharm to UK brands like Conteh, tbJP and Alpha Neon - and, indeed, this is a trend that's here to stay as, whilst we'll NEVER give up our snacks and candy-style bars, supps are what we're being asked for more than anything!! Well... supplements and energy drinks!!! Yep... many more of these coming too in 2023!
Best-selling products of the year, for those wondering? Caramel Biscuit Per4m Protein, the Choc Chip Salted Caramel Grenade Bar and Tropical Mango GHOST Energy! Try 'em if you haven't already!!
Of course, there have been challenges for us here as everywhere and, whilst we've endeavoured to absorb the hits where we can, we too have had to push up prices We'll keep doing everything we can to limit impact in the Mix as recession bites, though, and as you guys may have spotted... we've built and developed a brand new 'Freebie' system!! Look out for what you can snag on us in Cart next time you visit!!
...but this is more than enough from me!! Best to cut myself off before it's 2024!
For now, as always, a massive, exuberant THANK YOU from myself, Ant, Milli, Marcus, Joe, Lillie and our whole little family over here! We wish you the very best for a fun and fulfilling new year ahead, as positive, productive and, of course, as PROTEIN-PACKED as possible!
Big love, guys... look forward to seeing you in the Mix soon! #proteinpickandmix