Fuel your own Odyssey with the suitably EPIC Superior Protein from Olympus Labs!
Posted on 8th Nov 2018

...by the beard of Zeus, what have we here?! The shiny, new and utterly out of this world Superior Protein by Olympus Labs has INVADED the Mix!!
We've got to start this by addressing the 'Trojan Horse' in the room...WHAT is going on with this branding?! Before we even get into the wonders lurking inside these tubs, it's got to be said that Olympus Labs have quite possibly the most distinctive and, well, MAD packaging we've ever seen; imagine 300 crossed with Star Trek by way of Tron and you're about there! Honestly, even just beholding one of these psychedelic sci-fi tubs is an experience but, whatever else you say about it, it IS eye-catching and, for lack of a better word, EPIC!!
The fact that Olympus Labs' supplements - and particularly their Superior Protein shake extravaganza - look EPIC is only right because what's inside is nothing short of the same!
Every flavour (and there are 5 to start!) is a delicious, creamy, cereal milk-style, premium protein extravaganza worthy of the gods themselves! And, the best part, nearly all of them (all except the 'Smash n Crunch' Choc PB, oddly enough. You NEED to sort that, guys!) are packed with...INCLUSIONS!!
Yep, folks...Real. Cereal. Inclusions!!
You know we love our wacky inclusions and unique twists here in the Mix, and the HEROES at Olympus Labs have *gone in* on them! From 'Toucan Twist' (Froot Loops) to 'Not My Gumdrop Buttons' (Gingerbread) - you'll notice the flavour names are as crazy as the tubs here! - you'll find a generous amount of fun, themed cereal pieces (Fruity pebbles in the Toucan Twist, Cocoa pebbles in the Mocha Mermaid, Cinnamon Crunch/Curiously Cinnamon in the Not My Gumdrop Buttons, Blueberry PopTart-like crisp in the Why So Cereal?...you get the idea!) and it's these, even beyond the stellar ingredients, that won our hearts here!
What's extra cool is that these inclusions work PERFECTLY atop the creamy whey/casein blend; we LOVE a mixed protein blend here, and Superior Protein is rocking 50/50 Whey & Casein, making this not only a fast/slow release powerhouse but, most importantly, a gorgeous, thick, milkshake-style experience!
Add BCAAs and a sprinkling of Olympus Labs' supplement sorcery (Digestive enzymes and Velositol for optimal digestion + uptake) and...hail, Olympus Labs!
Superior Protein is awesome for all - men, women...Gods and Goddesses - and ready and waiting in the Mix to fuel your own daily 'odyssey', work, gym or otherwise!
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