For Liberty and Justice... Red, White & Boom bless the Mix with two more explosive, fruity flavours!
Posted on 11th Mar 2020

Who's ready for another round of 'high calibre' greatness distilled from the very blood, sweat and tears of true 'Merican heroes?! 'Liberty' and 'Justice' - two more flavours of delicious sugarfree energy from the passionate patriots 'Merica Labz - have arrived!
First up, Lady Liberty herself proudly stands at the helm of this Blackberry Lemonade flavour, pulling us out of bland energy drink tyranny!! You know that colossal neoclassical sculpture that symbolises 'Merica's greatness? She's made her mark across history and the nation and 'Merica Snax encourage you too to hold your head high, can in hand, and assert your 'MERICAN greatness like the lady herself!
So...whilst we all love a story, what does it actually taste like?! WELL, this one's the winner for us!! A subtle blackberry flavour lacing the classic, sweet lemonade signature. Think Chewits, Maoams or purple fruit pastilles shaken through Sprite; a super-refreshing fruity-sweet sensation!
Liberty not 'tipping the scales' for you?! Some juicy Justice might be for you!! The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the! And, delivering some swift, sensational, lightly-sparkling justice... new Strawberry Kiwi!!
One for the sweetest teeth - you need to be a sugar-coated gummy sweet lover with a true candy craving for this most powerful of flavours - Justice kicks 'subtle' to the curb, bursting with berry with the unique kiss of seeks to make a statement; a DECLARATION!
With 8 badass flavours in the Mix there's no better time to stock up on your new favourite 'Merican energy drinks, complete with 200mg caffeine and some nifty, noticeable nootropics!
Better yet, live your own 'Merican dream...'pick' up The 'Merica Energy 'Lock 'N Load' 12 Gauge Bundle in the Mix today to try 'em all!!
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