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Eat Plants... Get Smart! PhD Nutrition Launch Vegan Bar Range

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Eat Plants... Get Smart! PhD Nutrition Launch Vegan Bar Range

PhD HAVE been busy! First the white choc-wonderful Birthday Cake Smart Bar (quite the surprise party!) and, just in time for the end of the week (and BodyPower!) all-new Smart 'Plant'  bars...and FOUR of them, at that!!

Back-to-back brand posting really isn't our jam but, as usual, the annual BodyPower Expo interruption to our striped-shenanigans has left us running a little behind on some of our other new arrivals and, given that these were literally *just* launched at BodyPower (in fact, many of you may well have tried them if you made the trek to the NEC!) and, most importantly, are surprisingly good? We figured...why not?

'So, a vegan-friendly snack range? Made from plants and stuff?!' Eeeewwww

HOLD UP! Non-vegans...don't click away just yet! Whatever your dietary direction, there's some cool stuff to see and PhD Nutrition are definitely due some props here!!

How so? Well, the biggest shock, there's not a date in sight here and, not only that, this all-natural (yep, they're even all natural!) quartet have a (low) sugar content to rival the best in the biz!! Less than 3g sugar per bar (!!) and, with that, less than 9g carbs!

Even more amazingly? Vegan bars are usually a little protein-shy but these chunky bad boys? Up to 23g protein! That beats even PhD's regular Smart bars! Gluten-free & palm oil free and all that good stuff, too!!

How do they TASTE, though? End of the day, that's key. Answer? Not half bad! PHEW!! :-)

Do you know they're plant-based? Some more than others (looking at you, Cashew Coconut!), sure, but yet...they're sweet (especially, and surprisingly, the Dark Choc Brownie!), fully choc-coated, crunchy and inclusion-stuffed (not only protein crispies but ACTUAL popcorn in the Choc Toffee Popcorn (makes it crunchy AND chewy...weird but oddly tempting!!) and richly flavoured (Choc Peanut Caramel with it's real nut butter base, FTW!)

Ya know, whatever your poison, there's much to like flavours, a cross-section to be proud of and it's hard to look past the truly AWESOME macros.

Well done, PhD Nutrition...these might just be the high protein bars the vegan snack market has been missing!

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