Eat ELEAT, train, repeat! Delicious & Nutritious Eleat Cereal has arrived!
Posted on 11th Oct 2022

Take your cereal Seriously 'CEREAL-ously'?!
So do we!!! Which is why it's a good thing we've stumbled upon some seeeeeeriously awesome new crispy creations! THIS stuff, though?! It's 'Cereal Reinvented'!
"Why reinvent cereal?! It's already the bestest!!" We hear ya, B U T...
what if cereal could be MUCH more nutritious?! A cereal you and I can enjoy (alot) and actually call 'healthy' with a straight face? OK, then!
With your spoons as the ready, please join us in welcome ELEAT Cereal to the Mix!!
Created with the discerning needs of performance athletes in mind, these high protein, low sugar, light, crispy-puff style balls are equally perfect for office-goers, friends, families, kids and grown-ups alike!
...and aside from being made with good stuff and offering a whole host of healthy benefits, ELEAT cereal is available in 4 irresistible flavours (to start!!)... smooth, sweet 'Vanilla Thriller', impressively zingy, fresh 'Strawberry Blitz', fun and fiery 'Cinnamon Sensation' and, of course, classic cocoa 'Chocolate Triumph'!!
Packing 13g protein and less than 1.5g sugar per serving, ELEAT is gut-friendly, #veganfriendly and packed with fibre (which, combined with the #protein and amino's in there, is great for 'keeping hunger locked up till lunch', and all whilst boosting muscle recovery!) Yep, folks, 'breakfast with benefits' right here!!
ELEAT's enthusiastic founders haven't just stopped at creating a 'elite' breakfast-y snack either... they've (correctly) identified that no true 'Cereal-killer' stops at the paltry serving sizes often suggested cereal-wise (protein cereal or otherwise!) and they've leapt in with a far more satisfying 50g serving size AND, to go one step further, they've even dropped handy 'on-the-go' 50g grab-bag packs as well as the bumper 250g ones!!
Wherever, wherever... you can be the most #ELEAT version of yourself, whether by the spoonful or by the hastily grabbed handful as you're dashing to work or the gym!!
Ooh!! Top-tip... try ELEAT as a fun, guilt-free, textured-topping for your oats or your yogurt!!
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